Tuesday, May 25, 2021

PIAG’s PrintQueue Magazine

An experienced small business leader, Timothy Sanders Wallis serves as president and director of new business development for the Wallis Printing Company in Rome, Georgia. In addition to his professional activities, Timothy Sanders Wallis is a member of the Printing and Imaging Association of Georgia (PIAG).

Representing the state printing and imaging industry for over 125 years, PIAG provides a range of professional resources, including its quarterly magazine PrintQueue. This publication is available to the general public in print form and online through the official PIAG website.

PIAG uses the magazine as a vehicle to keep readers up to date on the latest regional and national developments impacting Georgia’s printing and imaging industry. It also offers a range of relevant studies, statistics, and business tools. Recent articles in PrintQueue include “You Don’t Know Jack,” a thoughtful essay about how print makes a difference in daily life by Lou Caron, president of the Printing Industries Association of Southern California.

PIAG’s PrintQueue Magazine

An experienced small business leader, Timothy Sanders Wallis serves as president and director of new business development for the Wallis Pr...