Tuesday, May 25, 2021

PIAG’s PrintQueue Magazine

An experienced small business leader, Timothy Sanders Wallis serves as president and director of new business development for the Wallis Printing Company in Rome, Georgia. In addition to his professional activities, Timothy Sanders Wallis is a member of the Printing and Imaging Association of Georgia (PIAG).

Representing the state printing and imaging industry for over 125 years, PIAG provides a range of professional resources, including its quarterly magazine PrintQueue. This publication is available to the general public in print form and online through the official PIAG website.

PIAG uses the magazine as a vehicle to keep readers up to date on the latest regional and national developments impacting Georgia’s printing and imaging industry. It also offers a range of relevant studies, statistics, and business tools. Recent articles in PrintQueue include “You Don’t Know Jack,” a thoughtful essay about how print makes a difference in daily life by Lou Caron, president of the Printing Industries Association of Southern California.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Purpose of a Sales Plan

A respected business executive, Sanders “Timothy” Wallis is the president of Wallis Printing Company. In this position, Sanders Wallis guides the company on marketing materials, organizational structure, and strategic business and sales plans.

A sales plan is a business strategy that helps organize sales targets and tactics in a comprehensive manner, thus providing managers with an approach regarding how to attain their targets. Often, a sales plan is used together with a marketing plan to help direct the efforts of the sales team. Many businesses revise and update their sales plan on a regular basis, typically every six or 12 months.

Essentially, a sales plan activates, motivates, and draws points of focus for the sales team. Aside from the aforementioned functions, sales plans also put the budgets of corporations into consideration and devise strategies around specific budget areas. Also, businesses can conveniently evaluate and assess their approach to sales through sales plans.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

A Brief Overview of First Tee's Youth Programming

A resident of Atlanta, Georgia, Sanders “Timothy” Wallis holds a bachelor of business administration in management from the University of Georgia. He has served as the director of new business development at Wallis Printing Company since 2012, previously serving with the organization as an account executive. Away from work, Sanders Wallis contributes his time to working with First Tee of Metro Atlanta, a youth development organization.

An organization comprised of chapters located across America, First Tee operates a youth program that teaches children aged eight through 17 how to play golf while fostering the development of valuable life skills. Participants in the program have an opportunity to enroll in sessions involving golf training and life skills classes that are conducted three times each year and in summer camp programs held in collaboration with Camp Best Friends.

While participating in First Tee’s programs, youth learn nine core values including honesty, responsibility, and sportsmanship. They also learn important life skills including conflict resolution, goal-setting, and emotional management. Each participant begins at the PLAYer level and may progress into higher levels of the program upon demonstrating competence at their current level and completing an assessment. 

Monday, December 21, 2020

The First Tee College Scholarship Program

Timothy Sanders Wallis has served as president of Wallis Printing Company in Rome, Georgia, since 2010 and is a member of the Printing & Imaging Association of Georgia. In addition to his professional endeavors, Sanders Wallis works to build character among and present opportunities for young people through his work with First Tee of Metro Atlanta.

Launched in 1997 as a partnership between golf organizations including the PGA TOUR and LPGA, First Tee facilitates programming on the golf course and in physical education classes for youth throughout the US. In addition to its core programming, it helps students achieve their academic goals via the First Tee College Scholarship Program. Through this program, First Tee alumni can receive up to $5,000 per year for a four-year period to help cover the cost of their college tuition.

In addition to receiving education funding, selected scholarship recipients can attend professional development workshops and gain access to potential employment and internship opportunities with First Tee partners, including TruGreen. Scholars are also paired with an adult mentor who will offer guidance and encouragement throughout their four years in college.

Those selected to the Scholars Class of 2020 were surprised with the news in a virtual session that included a congratulatory message from President George W. Bush. Applications for the program for 2021, meanwhile, open January 11.

PIAG’s PrintQueue Magazine

An experienced small business leader, Timothy Sanders Wallis serves as president and director of new business development for the Wallis Pr...